Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 6 and Version 5 of Windmill, SW2 5BZ

Version 6 Version 5
== Line 18 == == Line 18 ==
category='Beer Garden,Live Music,Pubs,Smoking Area'
edit_type='Minor tidying'
category='Beer Gardens,Live Music,Pubs,Smoking Area'
edit_type='Normal edit'
== Line 23 == == Line 23 ==
== Line 28 == == Line 28 ==

A small live music venue in Brixton, named after a real windmill in nearby Blenheim Gardens (at the end of the road).

The Windmill is essentially an estate pub and lies low and squat under the nearby high-rise buildings. However, as it now hosts regular live music nights just about every night, there is almost always an entrance charge. On secretlondon's visit in August 2008, this was £5 and there were three or four live bands on. The headliners finished before the last tube, there was one band afterwards. Music is generally indie rock, often local or unsigned bands, though there are also themed nights for punk, folk or Northern Irish music, among other genres.

The bar area dominates the pub. There is some spacious seating at the back of the place near the entrance and along the side walls (where the toilet entrances can be found), while the stage is at the other end of the room (there is a separate stage door for the equipment at this end). Due to the size of the bar and the presence of tables, there is a definite bottleneck while trying to get to the area near the stage. However, once you get past this, it's usually more comfortable near the stage.

The beer garden is reached from a door at the north-east side of the pub, opposite the entrance. There are two large tables with canopies covering them. Occasionally the venue runs all-day events with about seven or eight bands playing inside, and a barbecue at the end of the garden.

Beer is around £3. They have a few lagers (Red Stripe, for example), but no real ale on handpump.

See also:

Last visited by secretlondon, August 2008.

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