Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 6 and Version 5 of Lyric Hammersmith

Version 6 Version 5
== Line 11 == == Line 11 ==
edit_type='Minor tidying'
edit_type='Normal edit'
== Line 13 == == Line 13 ==
formatted_website_text=' class="external">lyric.co.uk'
formatted_website_text='http://www.lyric.co.uk/ '
== Line 16 == == Line 17 ==
== Line 18 == == Line 19 ==

This is one of the best theatres that Sam has been to in London - it was a Matcham original, but after hard times was scheduled for demolition in 1966. A massive public campaign led to its reconstruction in a modern style, with a lot of conveniences for theatregoers, performers, technicians, and venue staff that the original didn't have, but preserving the gorgeous Victorian interior.

A lot of the original plasterwork had to be replaced, but was re-cast from the original moulds, which had been preserved by the local company who'd done the plasterwork for Matcham originally.

In general, it's well worth going to see a performance here - they have extremely good taste & artistic sense.

See also:

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