Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 6 and Version 5 of George, E14 3ND

Version 6 Version 5
== Line 15 == == Line 15 ==
category='Beer Gardens,Food Served Evenings,Food Served Lunchtimes,Pubs,Real Ale,Smoking Area'
edit_type='Minor tidying'
category='Beer Gardens,Food Served Evenings,Food Served Lunchtimes,Real Ale,Smoking Area'
edit_type='Normal edit'
== Line 24 == == Line 24 ==

Rather nice traditional locals' pub on the Isle of Dogs.

Separate saloon bar and public bar; something of a rarity these days. The saloon bar is small and cosy (didn't go in the public bar so don't know what it's like, but an anonymous visitor tells us that it's bigger than the saloon bar, and has Sky TV and a dartboard). They have a few tables and chairs out on the pavement that are well-patronised by smokers in good weather. There's a sunny conservatory off the saloon bar, with dragon trees and white-painted patio-style decorative metal chairs and tables. Our anonymous visitor says there's also a heated beer garden.

Kake visited on a Friday afternoon and sat in the saloon bar; there were several locals already in there, having nice civilised conversations over a pint. One of them even had a little chat with me while his friend was in the gents'. Service was friendly too. I had a half of Ruddles Best (which I thought cost £1.34, but the anonymous visitor says would actually have been 1.45) in a rather nice little stemmed glass. Horseracing was being shown on a flatscreen at one end, but the sound was off. Music was unobtrusive and not uninteresting: K T Tunstall, Oasis, etc.

Food is served; a main course costs between £5.25 (tagliatelli with roasted Mediterranean vegetables in a creamy tomato sauce) and £9 (Thai prawns with saffron rice and salad). They also do filled jacket potatoes (£4.25-£5) and hot sandwiches. When I phoned up in July 2007 they told me weekday lunchtimes only, 11am-3pm, but I was there around 4pm on a Friday and the menus were still out on the tables; also, our anonymous visitor says it's actually served noon-8pm.

Accessibility: the whole pub is on one level, but I forgot to check whether there are steps up to get in.

See also:

Last visited by Kake, 14 September 2007.

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