Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 6 and Version 5 of Duke Of Wellington, W1H 2HQ

Version 6 Version 5
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Serves decent enough Adnams bitter and Bombardier. The seating is a bit ramshackle. Was very warm on a summer day. Has tables outside.
Toilets are downstairs.

Im not entirely sure they actually do food.--[bob]

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<div class="last_verified">Last visited by [[bob]],[[Elvum]], andy and richard 19 July 2007</div>
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Good Beer Guide pub in Marylebone. When I went past on a Saturday afternoon they weren't open till 16:30. This is possibly a one off. --bob

Beer in the Evening comments suggest that it's a traditional, “old man's” kind of pub. Sounds good to me!

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