Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 5 and Version 4 of Wheatsheaf, SW8 1RB

Version 5 Version 4
== Line 11 == == Line 11 ==
* [http://www.fancyapint.com/pub/1995 Fancyapint review]
* [http://www.fancyapint.com/pubs/pub1995.html Fancyapint review]
== Line 17 == == Line 17 ==
edit_type='Minor tidying'
edit_type='Normal edit'
== Line 20 == == Line 20 ==
== Line 25 == == Line 25 ==

A gastropub in Vauxhall.

bob visited early on a Thursday evening in September 2009. There were quite a few customers at the bar but none at the tables when I turned up.

I had a passable half-pint of Pedigree (£1.60).

The menu was short but full of gastopub staples.

See Also:

Last visited by bob, 10 September 2009.

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