Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 5 and Version 4 of Locale Barnsbury

Version 5 Version 4
== Line 2 ==
I'm not entirely sure we've got the boundaries of this one sorted out properly. Will consult people I know who've lived there --[[Kake]]

== Line 3 ==
* [http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=118014255928325258694.00044e4c24fb4250f86c6 blech's Google map showing the extent of the area]

An area of North London, lying within the London Borough of Islington.

I'm not entirely sure we've got the boundaries of this one sorted out properly. Will consult people I know who've lived there --Kake

See also:

Auto-generated list of things in Barnsbury (view them on a map): (unprocessed INDEX_LIST macro)

List all versions