Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 4 and Version 3 of Locale W6

Version 4 Version 3
== Line 0 == == Line 1 ==
West London postal district covering [[Locale Hammersmith|Hammersmith]], in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.
The following list is automatically generated:
[[Locale W6]]
@MAP_LINK [[Locale W6]]

== Line 2 ==
It has a crossing over the River Thames at Hammersmith Bridge, to [[Locale Barnes|Barnes]].

<div class="neighbouring_postcodes_grid">
|| [[Locale W12|W12]] || [[Locale W12|W12]] || [[Locale W12|W12]] ||
|| [[Locale W4|W4]] || W6 || [[Locale W14|W14]] ||
|| [[Locale SW13|SW13]] || [[Locale SW13|SW13]] || [[Locale SW6|SW6]] ||

Automatically-generated list of things in W6 (@MAP_LINK [[Locale W6|view them on a map]]):
@INDEX_LIST [[Locale W6]]
== Line 14 == == Line 6 ==
edit_type='Normal edit'
edit_type='Minor tidying'
== Line 17 == == Line 9 ==
== Line 19 == == Line 11 ==
locale='West London'
== Line 16 == == Line 16 ==
summary='' summary='West London postal district covering Hammersmith.' summary='' summary='West London postal district covering Hammersmith.'

The following list is automatically generated: (unprocessed INDEX_LIST macro) View map of pages in Locale W6

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