Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 4 and Version 3 of Kamil Speciality Foods, NW10 6HJ

Version 4 Version 3
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Lebanese cafe and bakery in Park Royal. It's quite small, seating just four people inside and about another seven outside (under cover).

bob visited early on a Wednesday lunchtime in July 2010. There were a couple of customers already eating outside, and a few more arrived while I was there. I had a lamb shawarma (£2.75); this was OK, although it was made from pre-cooked lamb which was probably reheated in the microwave, given the ding I heard while waiting. I also had a small portion of hommous (£1.75) photo. A dish of (free) Lebanese pickles came with the meal. A can of 7 Up was 60p.

Accessibility: Several steps up to the serving area.

Last visited by bob, 21 July 2010.

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