Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 3 and Version 2 of Turnham Green Cafe, W4 1RP

Version 3 Version 2
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Greasy spoon cafe near Turnham Green Station. Transmogrifies into a BYOB Thai cafe in the evenings. They have seating for about 15-20 people.

Bob visited in March 2008 for a lunchtime fryup. They only have one proper set breakfast (£4 for egg, bacon, beans, tomatoes or chips, two toast, and tea or coffee) so I went a la carte; bacon, black pudding, two eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, chips, and tea came to £6.50 photo. The mushrooms were very good. The black pudding was sliced thickly. Eggs were cooked really well (still runny) and the bacon was crisp enough, not floppy at all. Tomatoes were tinned, and fine apart from there being too much liquid on the plate (some of it may have come from the mushrooms).

Non-breakfast options include sandwiches (from £1.15 for fried egg to £1.60 for ham or bacon), omelettes (from £2.80 for plain to £3.80 with ham), and salads (from £2.80 for egg to £3.80 for ham). Tea is 60p and coffee is 75p.

They also do a few Thai dishes at lunchtime (all at £5.50, e.g. stir fried chicken in oyster sauce with rice), and a full Thai menu in the evening.

See also:

Last visited by bob, 4 September 2009. Prices taken from menu on a previous visit.

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