Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 3 and Version 2 of Arments, SE17 2AX

Version 3 Version 2
== Line 5 ==

Last visited by [[secretlondon]] in 2005.

It received three stars out of five in its last [http://www.scoresonthedoors.org.uk/business-detail.php?business_id=156590&inspection_type=FH food hygiene inspection] in February 2007.

This is a traditional Pie and Mash Shop on Westmoreland Road in Walworth. Like all Pie and Mash shops it sells meat pies, mashed potato and eels. Arment's sells steak pies and steak and kidney pies and both stewed and jellied eels.

Their website says they also do fruit pies.

secretlondon last went here sometime in 2005 and had 2 pie, mash and liquor. It was as she expected.

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