Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 26 and Version 25 of Viet Grill, E2 8DP

Version 26 Version 25
== Line 6 == == Line 6 ==
Our mains were slow-cooked catfish (&pound;6.50) <small>[http://flickr.com/photos/kake_pugh/1675505021/ photo]</small> and Vietnamese quail curry (&pound;6), and we shared a dish of water spinach in garlic (&pound;5). The catfish was a little earthy-tasting, but steamed fragrant rice (&pound;1.80) was very, very good. [[Bob]] thought the noodles with beansprouts and onions (&pound;3) were good too.
Our mains were slow-cooked catfish <small>([http://flickr.com/photos/kake_pugh/1675505021/ photo])</small> (&pound;6.50) and Vietnamese quail curry (&pound;6), and we shared a dish of water spinach in garlic (&pound;5). The catfish was a little earthy-tasting, but steamed fragrant rice (&pound;1.80) was very, very good. [[Bob]] thought the noodles with beansprouts and onions (&pound;3) were good too.
== Line 11 ==
* [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/food_and_drink/eating_out/article7023704.ece The Times review]
* [http://www.london-eating.co.uk/7084.htm London Eating comments]
* [http://majbros.blogspot.com/2006/07/viet-grill-lifes-beach-it-was-muggy.html Dos Hermanos review]
== Line 12 ==
* [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/food_and_drink/eating_out/article7023704.ece The Times review]
== Line 14 ==
* [http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?/topic/134048-viet-grill/ eGullet thread]
* [http://cheesenbiscuits.blogspot.com/2010/04/viet-grill-kingsland-road.html Cheese And Biscuits review]
== Line 17 ==
* [http://majbros.blogspot.com/2006/07/viet-grill-lifes-beach-it-was-muggy.html Dos Hermanos review]
* [http://www.dainee.com/2010/04/22/viet-grill/ Eating East review]
* [http://eatlovenoodles.blogspot.com/2011/03/viet-grill-dont-believe-hype.html Eat Noodles Love Noodles review]
* [http://buzzarfood.wordpress.com/2010/08/27/vietgrill-hackney/ Food Fight review]
== Line 22 == == Line 18 ==
* [http://www.grumblinggourmet.com/2011/02/search-for-spice-continues-viet-grill.html Grumbling Gourmet review]
* [http://www.qype.co.uk/place/162023 Qype comments]
* [http://cooksloweatfast.blogspot.
com/2009/08/viet-grill-part-2-58-kingsland-road.html Not Another Big Menu review]
* [http://cooksloweatfast.blogspot.com/2009/10/viet-grill-58-kingsland-road-e2-8dp.html Another Not Another Big Menu review]
* [http://mathildescuisine.wordpress.com/2010/
02/15/first-steps-in-vietnamese-cuisine-viet-grill/ Mathilde's Cuisine review]
* [http://cheesenbiscuits
.blogspot.com/2010/04/viet-grill-kingsland-road.html Cheese And Biscuits review]
* [http://www.dainee.com/2010/04/22/viet-grill/ Dainee Ranaweera's Blog review]
* [http://omnomlondon.com/2010/06/07/viet-grill-shoreditch/ Om Nom London review]
* [http://forums.egullet.org/index.php?/topic/134048-viet-grill/ eGullet thread
== Line 27 ==
* [http://buzzarfood.wordpress.com/2010/08/27/vietgrill-hackney/ Food Fight review]
== Line 25 ==
* [http://mathildescuisine.wordpress.com/2010/02/15/first-steps-in-vietnamese-cuisine-viet-grill/ Mathilde's Cuisine review]
* Not Another Big Menu reviews: [http://cooksloweatfast.blogspot.com/2009/08/viet-grill-part-2-58-kingsland-road.html 1], [http://cooksloweatfast.blogspot.com/2009/10/viet-grill-58-kingsland-road-e2-8dp.html 2]
* [http://omnomlondon.com/2010/06/07/viet-grill-shoreditch/ Om Nom London review]
== Line 29 == == Line 30 ==
* [http://bellaphon.blogspot.com/2011/03/viet-grill.html Urban Hermit's review on Bellaphon's blog]
* [http://www.london-eating.co.uk/7084.htm London Eating comments]
* [http:
//www.qype.co.uk/place/162023#PlaceReviews Qype comments]
* [http://www.grumblinggourmet.com/2011/02/search-for-spice-continues-viet-grill.html Grumbling Gourmet review]
* [http://eatlovenoodles.blogspot.com/2011/03/viet-grill-dont-believe-hype.html Eat Noodles Love Noodles review]
== Line 33 == == Line 33 ==
<div class="last_verified">Last visited by [[Kake]] and [[Bob]], 16 October 2007. Prices determined on that visit. Opening hours taken from the Viet Grill website, March 2011.</div>
<div class="last_verified">Last visited by [[Kake]] and [[Bob]], 16 October 2007. Prices determined on that visit. Opening hours taken from the Viet Grill website, January 2010.</div>
== Line 39 == == Line 39 ==

Vietnamese restaurant on Kingsland Road in Shoreditch, sister restaurant of Cay Tre.

Kake and Bob visited on a Tuesday evening in October 2007. The area around Kingsland Road has quite a number of Vietnamese restaurants, but we decided to try this one out since a number of reviews suggested it was one of the best.

We started with sliced beef grilled tableside and wrapped in rice paper (£5/person, for a minimum of two people). This is a self-assembly dish; a portable grill is provided along with a plate of thinly-sliced beef, rice paper wrappers, and various vegetables and pickles, and you're left to grill the beef as you prefer it before wrapping it up with the veg/pickles and eating it. Note that if you like your beef very rare, it might be wise to rest it for a minute before putting it in your roll, since otherwise the meat juices will leak out of the roll and make a terrible mess. (I speak from experience, and note that the staff member who showed us how to make the rolls failed to realise this would happen even though we told her we liked our meat rare.)

Our mains were slow-cooked catfish (photo) (£6.50) and Vietnamese quail curry (£6), and we shared a dish of water spinach in garlic (£5). The catfish was a little earthy-tasting, but steamed fragrant rice (£1.80) was very, very good. Bob thought the noodles with beansprouts and onions (£3) were good too.

It's worth noting that although the place was practically empty when we arrived around 7pm, it was full half an hour later.

See also:

Last visited by Kake and Bob, 16 October 2007. Prices determined on that visit. Opening hours taken from the Viet Grill website, January 2010.

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