Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 26 and Version 25 of Coronet, N7 6NJ

Contents are identical

Wetherspoons pub in Holloway, just up the road from Holloway Road Station. It's a conversion of an old cinema (hence the name).

The interior shows more than a nod to the building's previous incarnation as a cinema. Customers are greeted with a large "Now Playing" banner just inside the entrance, and a large black-and-white image sits above where the screen used to be. The front seating area, situated underneath the old circle, has the bar to one side with a couple of booths opposite. Further in, it opens up into a high-ceilinged area with a raised family dining area in the centre. There's some kind of beer garden accessed through the back.

Kake visited on a Thursday afternoon in April 2009. The bar has two banks of six handpumps each, and most of them were on, since it was during the Wetherspoons real ale festival. Festival ales were 85p/half, and the one I tried was fine. There were plenty of people in, and a nice buzz of conversation.

Accessibility: Several steps down to get in.

See also:

Last visited by Kake, 30 April 2009. Opening hours taken from the 2007 Good Beer Guide.

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