Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 24 and Version 5 of Oakdale Arms, N4 1NP

Version 24 Version 5
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The Oakdale was a pub in [[Locale Harringay|Harringay]]. It [http://www.tottenhamjournal.co.uk/news/developers_call_time_on_popular_harringay_pub_1_783552 closed for good] in March 2011.
Good Beer Guide pub. Very much into their real ale, and their single malts; also, the website states that “For real cider lovers we usually have Cassels of Great Shelford on tap, and feature other real ciders occasionally.”
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The information below is retained for people who want to know what it used to be like.
Possibly has free wireless internet — not checked.
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<div class="old_info">
in [[Locale Harringay|Harringay]]. It was in the 2007 Good Beer Guide, but not the 2008 edition.
A staff member has commented in the [http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/comments.shtml/3280/ Beer in the Evening comments] to point out that (as of July 2007) they're not able to serve food at the moment but they do let you bring in takeaways and they do have bar snacks.
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Very much into their real ale, and their single malts; they also usually have real cider. On a March 2008 visit, there were four Milton brews and one guest beer on tap; when the guest beer ran out it was replaced with another as soon as the line was cleaned. In June 2008, Old Rosie was &pound;1.30/half and Stowford Press was &pound;2.20/pint.
They have set up a sheltered area in the beer garden for smokers, following the ban.
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Whilst the quality of the beer is as good as its sister pub, the [[Pembury Tavern, E8 1JH|Pembury Tavern]], the atmosphere is quite different, being far more of a locals' pub, laid out with seats (including a couple of armchairs) and standing areas for drinking, rather than tables for eating at.

Unlike the Pembury Tavern, the Oakdale Arms has a licence for music, so has a jukebox and a video projector, which on [[Nick]]'s March 2008 visit was showing ITV1 (with sound) and on [[Kake]]'s June 2008 visit was showing football. Nick has been told that a Wii is often also plugged into this, but hasn't seen it first hand. They do have a jukebox, and when Rob the manager (or is he still the assistant manager?) (who is a character in himself) is behind the bar it may well be playing rock/metal.

They don't do food, and on a June 2008 visit [[Kake]] got the impression that there are no plans to change this. "Authentic Black Country" pork scratchings were &pound;1. In July 2007, a staff member mentioned in the BITE comments linked below that they're happy for you to bring in takeaways.

They have set up a sheltered area in the beer garden for smokers, following the ban, and there are also some bench/table things out the front. Free wireless; the network's named after the pub, and there's no password.

See also:
* [http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/comments.shtml/3280/ Beer In The Evening comments]
* [http://www.fancyapint.com/pubs/pub2086.html Fancyapint review]
* [http://www.timeout.com/london/bars/reviews/11231.html Time Out review]
* [http://boakandbailey.com/?p=512 Boak and Bailey review]
* [http://impymalting.wordpress.com/2009/12/28/the-moon-in-a-vivarium/ Impy Malting review]
* [http://www.qype.co.uk/place/118298 Qype comments]

<div class="last_verified">Last visited by [[Kake]], 10 June 2008. Free wireless verified to be working on that visit. Food and smoking area details taken from BITE posting by staff member, 14 July 2007. Opening hours taken from the 2007 Good Beer Guide and confirmed from advert in the June/July 2008 edition of the London Drinker.</div>
<div class="last_verified">Food and smoking area details taken from BitE posting by staff member, 14 July 2007.</div>
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category='Good Beer Guide 2007,Now Closed'
category='Beer Gardens,Good Beer Guide,Good Beer Guide 2007,Possible Free Wireless,Pubs,Real Ale,Real Cider,Smoking Area'
== Line 31 == == Line 13 ==
formatted_website_text='http://www.individualpubs.co.uk/oakdale/ '
hours_text='noon-11pm Mon-Sat; noon-10:30pm Sun'
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opening_hours_text='noon-11pm Mon-Sat; noon-10:30pm Sun'
== Line 42 == == Line 26 ==
summary='Now closed; was a pub in Harringay.'
postcode='N4 1NP'
summary='Good Beer Guide pub in north London.'

Good Beer Guide pub. Very much into their real ale, and their single malts; also, the website states that “For real cider lovers we usually have Cassels of Great Shelford on tap, and feature other real ciders occasionally.”

Possibly has free wireless internet — not checked.

A staff member has commented in the Beer in the Evening comments to point out that (as of July 2007) they're not able to serve food at the moment but they do let you bring in takeaways and they do have bar snacks.

They have set up a sheltered area in the beer garden for smokers, following the ban.

Food and smoking area details taken from BitE posting by staff member, 14 July 2007.

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