Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 22 and Version 2 of Crown And Sceptre, W14 8BA
Version 22 | Version 2 |
== Line 1 == | == Line 0 == |
Pub in [[Locale Kensington|Kensington]], also providing hotel facilities with five "en suite boutique bedrooms". It was in the [[Category Good Beer Guide|Good Beer Guide]] before closing in 2009 due to the owners' retirement (see <a href="https://london.randomness.org.uk/wiki.cgi?id=Crown_And_Sceptre%2C_W14_8BA&version=14">older version of this page</a> for a pre-closure description), though it later reopened under new management. It's a small space, made to seem smaller by the large square pillars lined up in front of the bar. The ceiling is high and the windows large, but the latter are part-covered with blinds, nudging the atmosphere closer to cosy than light-and-spacious. Bare boards are underfoot, paintwork is in shades of grey, and seats are upholstered in red and blue. Seating is provided by tall tables in the centre of the space, stools at the bar, and banquettes on a dais. A large brass chandelier-style light fitting dominates the ceiling, with additional lighting coming from directed spotlights and some quite attractive art deco style lamps above the bar. Stylised "broken-off pillar" flowerpots hold various bits of greenery, and tulips sit in small milk bottles on the tables — though unfortunately on our visit many of these had already lost all their petals. [[Kake]] visited on a Tuesday afternoon in November 2018. There were three or four other customers inside and two more outside when I arrived a little after 2pm. Ultra-'80s music (Ghostbusters, Total Eclipse of the Heart) was playing, almost but not quite too loud, and somewhat incongruously upbeat for a mostly-empty pub on a weekday afternoon. The handpumps were clipped for two real ales: Marston's 61 Deep and Fuller's London Pride. They initially asked me for £3 for a pint of lime and soda (from the gun, not bottles), but reduced this to £2 when I objected. Food is served from a small open kitchen squeezed into the far corner; according to a sign seen in November 2018, this is available 7:30am-10:30am, noon-3pm, and 6pm-9:30pm Mon-Sat; and 8:30am-10:30am and noon-8pm Sun. Croissants and prepackaged muffins sit on the bar for those just wanting a snack. Accessibility: A ramp to get in at the front entrance (there may be a small step at the side entrance). There is limited normal-height seating on the level — most of the seating is either at high tables, or on a dais up one or two large steps. The toilets are in the basement, down a flight of stairs with a bend and a handrail on one side part but not all of the way down. See also: * Photos of the menu as of November 2018: [https://www.flickr.com/photos/kake_pugh/44948994395/ main menu page 1], [https://www.flickr.com/photos/kake_pugh/44948993705/ main menu page 2], [https://www.flickr.com/photos/kake_pugh/44045544880/ Sunday menu], [https://www.flickr.com/photos/kake_pugh/44948996255/ bar snacks] * [http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/comments.shtml/2304/ Beer In The Evening comments] * [http://www.fancyapint.com/pubs/pub3486.php Fancyapint review] * [https://www.pubsgalore.co.uk/pubreviews/24812/ Pubs Galore comments] * [https://whatpub.com/pubs/WLD/16283/ WhatPub entry] <div class="last_verified"> Last visited by [[Kake]], November 2018.</div> |
Good Beer Guide pub. |
== Line 23 == | == Line 2 == |
category='Accommodation Available,Bar Snacks,Breakfast,Good Beer Guide 2007,Good Beer Guide 2008,Good Beer Guide 2009,Good Beer Guide 2010,Pub Food,Pubs,Real Ale' |
category='Food Served Evenings,Food Served Lunchtimes,Good Beer Guide,Good Beer Guide 2007,Pubs,Real Ale' |
== Line 25 == | == Line 4 == |
fax='CrownSceptre' |
fax='' |
== Line 27 == | == Line 6 == |
host='2a00:1098:86:4d:c0ff:ee:15:900d' hours_text='' latitude='51.497972' |
host='' hours_text='11am-11pm Mon-Thu; 11am-midnight Fri-Sat; noon-10:30pm Sun' latitude='51.497110' |
== Line 31 == | == Line 10 == |
longitude='-0.207528' |
longitude='-0.205392' |
== Line 33 == | == Line 12 == |
map_link='http://streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x=524520&y=179193' node_image='https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1933/44045545380_2d6cf85ee6_m_d.jpg' node_image_copyright='Kake' node_image_licence='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/' node_image_url='https://www.flickr.com/photos/kake_pugh/44045545380/' opening_hours_text='' os_x='524520' os_y='179193' phone='020 7603 2007' |
map_link='http://www.streetmap.co.uk/newmap.srf?x=524560&y=179155' opening_hours_text='11am-11pm Mon-Thu; 11am-midnight Fri-Sat; noon-10:30pm Sun' os_x='524560' os_y='179155' phone='' |
== Line 18 == | == Line 18 == |
summary='Good Beer Guide pub.' summary='Pub in Kensington.' | summary='Good Beer Guide pub.' summary='Pub in Kensington.' |
Good Beer Guide pub.
List all versions