Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 2 and Version 1 of Skylark, CR0 1DP

Version 2 Version 1
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Good Beer Guide pub in Croydon. It's a Wetherspoons, so pretty cheap. They have Kopparberg Swedish cider as well as all the real beers.

The downstairs is fairly open, with a raised non-smoking area containing bookshelves (with real books!). There are a few sofas at the front. The upstairs has more sofas, but isn't always open, and closes early when it is.

Daytimes, the clientele are generally your standard daytime drinkers; old men nursing a pint per hour before gently staggering off home in the early evening. In the evenings, you do get a few groups of lager drinkers, but not the overly rowdy kind. Glasses don't get cleared very often, and the floor tends to end up covered in cigarette ends. This might sound somewhat negative, but overall it's pretty good here if you know what to expect.

Apparently there's a beer garden, but I've never noticed it. --[[Kake]]

<div class="last_verified">Last visited by [[Kake]] and either [[Bob]] or Sam, some time in 2006.</div>

Good Beer Guide pub.
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category='Beer Gardens,Food Served Evenings,Food Served Lunchtimes,Good Beer Guide,Good Beer Guide 2007,Pubs,Real Ale,Wetherspoons'
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category='Food Served Evenings,Food Served Lunchtimes,Good Beer Guide,Good Beer Guide 2007,Pubs,Wetherspoons'
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Good Beer Guide pub.

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