Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 2 and Version 1 of Duke Of Edinburgh, E13 9AR

Version 2 Version 1
== Line 10 ==
Accessibility: One step up to get in. Didn't check the toilets.

== Line 19 == == Line 17 ==
edit_type='Minor tidying'
edit_type='Normal edit'
== Line 22 == == Line 20 ==
== Line 27 == == Line 25 ==

A basic pub near Upton Park Station.

The interior comprises a single long rectangular carpeted space, broken up by some pillars and laid out with chairs and tables at the edges, with a few more in the middle of the floor. Decor is fairly basic however, and one suspects that on match days at the nearby Boleyn Ground, the space in the middle is cleared for football fans.

There's an advertised beer garden out the back, but this is little more than an enlarged, concreted car park area with some picnic tables for seating.

The bar has no ales, but a large number of keg taps with the usual range of lagers (Foster's, Stella, and the like), as well as keg John Smith's.

There are five or so large screens showing sports (darts on Ewan and Kake's July 2009 visit), and two pool tables.

See also:

Last visited by Ewan and Kake, 27 July 2009.

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