Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 17 and Version 16 of George, E14 3ND

Version 17 Version 16
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category='Beer Garden,Featured Article,Food Served Evenings,Food Served Lunchtimes,Pubs,Real Ale,Smoking Area'
edit_type='Minor tidying'
category='Beer Gardens,Featured Article,Food Served Evenings,Food Served Lunchtimes,Pubs,Real Ale,Smoking Area'
edit_type='Normal edit'
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Rather nice traditional locals' pub on the Isle of Dogs.

Unusually, it has a total of three bars, all with separate entrances; a saloon bar, a public bar, and a tiny snug. The saloon bar is relatively small and has a cosy feel, while the snug is very small and cute and peaceful. The ladies' is shared between the saloon bar and the snug; don't know if the snug has access to a gents'. They have a few tables and chairs out on the pavement that are well-patronised by smokers in good weather. There's a sunny conservatory off the saloon bar, with dragon trees and white-painted patio-style decorative metal chairs and tables. An anonymous visitor (Sep 2007) says there's also a heated beer garden.

Our anonymous visitor also tells us that the public bar is bigger than the saloon bar, and has Sky TV and a dartboard. The saloon bar features a discreet enough flatscreen, which on our two most recent visits was showing football with the sound on but not too loud.

Kake has visited three times now; although the beer is nothing out of the ordinary, the atmosphere is pleasant, and it's quite a gem given the area. The saloon bar is generally populated by a few friendly locals, both men and women, and (despite the relative proximity to Canary Wharf) just the occasional chap in a suit minding his own business with a newspaper.

Beers available in June 2008 were Landlord (£3/pint), Deuchars IPA, Young's Bitter, and London Pride (£3/pint). There was a slight problem with Kake's pint of Landlord; there was quite a bit of debris at the bottom, which I didn't notice until I'd almost finished it, since it tasted fine. I took the remaining inch of beer back to the bar and they were very apologetic and gave me my next pint (of Pride) half price.

On a Saturday evening visit in August 2008, the public bar looked quite full at 6pm, but the snug was empty and the saloon bar was almost empty. The conservatory was being set up for someone's 40th birthday party. A grapefruit juice was £1.40.

Food is served, I think all day (an anonymous visitor in September 2007 told us noon-8pm). Main courses are between £5.25 (tagliatelli with roasted Mediterranean vegetables in a creamy tomato sauce) and £10 (sirloin steak with chips or jacket potato, mushrooms, grilled tomato, and salad; £1 extra if you want roquefort topping). Veggie options are the aforementioned pasta, plus spring onion and mature cheddar omelette made with free range eggs and served with hand cut chips and salad (£6), plus ploughmans with mature cheddar and stilton (£6). They also do filled jacket potatoes (£4.25-£4.50) and hot sandwiches.

Accessibility: the whole pub is on one level, but I keep forgetting to check whether there are steps up to get in.

See also:

Last visited by Kake, Juliette, and Jon, 23 August 2008. Food prices taken from menu in pub, June 2008. Drink prices as of dates given in text.

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