Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 15 and Version 14 of Ritzy Cinema

Version 15 Version 14
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A lovely independent cinema in Brixton, run by the City Screen group.

Films shown are a mix of mainstream and arthouse features. Screen 1 is very large, holding several hundred, though other screens are far smaller. The seats are all very comfortable.

It used to host monthly Knitflicks knitting group meetups (special screenings where the lights are left on so you can see what you're doing), but we're not sure if these are still happening. They also do special screenings for other groups quite regularly, so it's worth checking the website.

The cafe and bar area has been prominently relocated to the front of the cinema with the box office to the side. There is also a cafe space upstairs, serving pizzas and savoury crepes, as well as a range of drinks, alcoholic and otherwise. Do be warned that service can be a little on the slow side, so if you need to get to a film, allow plenty of time. On Ewan's most recent visit they had managed to run out of all but the most expensive red wines (which cost more than £5 for a small 175ml glass).

Since the redesign of Windrush Square, there is now extensive bicycle parking in front of the Ritzy. It is probably the safest place in Brixton to leave a bike all day because of the constant custom in the cafe/bar.

See also:

Last visited by itsbruce, February 2011.

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