Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 13 and Version 1 of David Lean Cinema
Version 13 | Version 1 |
== Line 0 == | == Line 0 == |
Arthouse cinema in [[Locale Croydon|Croydon]]. |
Home of the David Lean cinema. |
== Line 2 == | == Line 2 == |
Initially located in the Croydon Clocktower <small>[http://www.flickr.com/photos/55935853@N00/2769733113/ photo]</small> (the same building as the Museum of Croydon), but this facility was closed in mid-2011. As of mid-2012, there was [http://web.archive.org/web/20200806222143/https://www.eastlondonlines.co.uk/2012/05/david-lean-cinema-campaign-spreadeagles-with-new-screenings/ a campaign] running to return the cinema to the Clocktower, and as of March 2014 this had been successful, with the launch screening occurring on Thursday 27 March. (Note that although the postcode of this place begins "CR9", it's actually physically located within the CR0 postal district. See [[Locale CR9]] for an explanation.) See also: * [http://insidecroydon.com/2012/01/02/david-lean-cinema-season-coming-to-a-pub-near-you/ Inside Croydon article] * [http://www.croydonguardian.co.uk/news/9155224.Petition_to_save_the_David_Lean_Cinema_presented_at_meeting/ Croydon Guardian article] * [http://www.croydonlabour.org.uk/labour-backs-david-lean-cinema-at-clocktower Croydon Labour article] * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Lean_Cinema Wikipedia entry] address='Croydon Clocktower, Katharine Street' category='Cinemas' edit_type='Minor tidying' |
(CR9 is a very confusing postal district. It appears to be embedded in CR0.) address='' category='Cinema' edit_type='Normal edit' |
== Line 15 == | == Line 7 == |
formatted_website_text='www.davidleancinema.org.uk/" class="external">davidleancinema.org.uk' host='2a00:1098:86:4d:c0ff:ee:15:900d' |
' host='' |
== Line 18 == | == Line 11 == |
latitude='51.372235' |
latitude='51.371637' |
== Line 20 == | == Line 13 == |
longitude='-0.099540' major_change='0' map_link='http://streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x=532378&y=165400' node_image='https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8748/16249385374_1d1bb4202c_m_d.jpg' node_image_copyright='Kake' node_image_licence='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/' node_image_url='https://www.flickr.com/photos/kake_pugh/16249385374/' |
longitude='-0.097404' major_change='1' map_link='http://streetmap.co.uk/newmap.srf?x=532417&y=165393' |
== Line 28 == | == Line 17 == |
os_x='532378' os_y='165400' |
os_x='532417' os_y='165393' |
== Line 32 == | == Line 21 == |
summary='Arthouse cinema in Croydon.' website='http://londonnet.co.uk/cinema/croydonclocktower.html' website='http://www.davidleancinema.org.uk/' |
summary='' website='http://londonnet.co.uk/cinema/croydonclocktower.html' website='http://www.davidleancinema.org.uk/' |
Home of the David Lean cinema.
(CR9 is a very confusing postal district. It appears to be embedded in CR0.)
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