Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 11 and Version 10 of Crown And Sceptre, W14 8BA

Version 11 Version 10
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Good Beer Guide pub in Kensington.

The Crown And Sceptre is an airy and relaxed pub, sporting a high ceiling and big windows that fill it with light; pfig found it very pleasant. Beer-wise, we had Blindmans and Long John Silver, which were very good (particularly the Long John Silver). The food is Mexican, as is the chef: we had (real) nachos, tacos dorados (perfect seasoning and crispiness), quesadillas de pollo and tostadas de feta. Everyone found the food excellent.

We visited again in November 2008, a large-ish group of people. Had lots of food (still Mexican, still excellent) and beer (also quite good). It was quiz night (Tuesday), which was actually lots of fun.

See also:

Last visited by pfig on November 25, 2008. Opening hours taken from the 2007 Good Beer Guide.

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