Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 10 and Version 3 of Mill Hill East Station
Version 10 | Version 3 |
== Line 0 == | == Line 0 == |
Zone 4 Tube station on the [[Category Northern Line|Northern Line]], terminus of a short spur off the [[High Barnet Station|High Barnet]] branch. |
Zone 4 Tube station on the Northern Line. |
== Line 2 == | == Line 2 == |
There's basically a shuttle service between here and [[Finchley Central Station]], although some trains continue to central London at peak times. |
Basically a shuttle service between here and [[Finchley Central Station]], although some trains continue to central London at peak times. |
== Line 4 == | == Line 4 == |
See also: * [http://freshfields.blogspot.com/2008/07/mill-hill-east-northern-line-pleasant.html Rambles From The London Tube entry] * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mill_Hill_East_tube_station Wikipedia entry] * [http://www.ianvisits.co.uk/blog/2008/10/the-dollis-brook-viaduct/ IanVisits blog post about interesting aspects of the Mill Hill East spur] * [http://diamondgeezer.blogspot.com/2010/11/tube-geek-33.html diamond geezer blog post] * [http://150greatthingsabouttheunderground.com/2012/04/10/12-the-viaduct-at-mill-hill-east/ 150 Great Things post on the Mill Hill East viaduct] address='Bittacy Hill' category='Northern Line,Tube,Tube Termini,Zone 4 Stations' edit_type='Minor tidying' |
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mill_Hill_East_tube_station Wikipedia entry on Mill Hill East Station] address='' category='Northern Line,Tube,Zone 4 Stations' edit_type='Normal edit' |
== Line 15 == | == Line 10 == |
host='2a00:1098:86:4d:c0ff:ee:15:900d' |
host='' |
== Line 17 == | == Line 12 == |
latitude='51.608244' |
latitude='51.607743' |
== Line 19 == | == Line 14 == |
longitude='-0.210220' major_change='0' |
longitude='-0.208644' major_change='1' |
== Line 22 == | == Line 17 == |
node_image='https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8660/15957970612_ac052d0778_m_d.jpg' node_image_copyright='Kake' node_image_licence='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/' node_image_url='https://www.flickr.com/photos/kake_pugh/15957970612/' |
node_image='https://farm2.static.flickr.com/1426/840398821_f4b2266a01_m_d.jpg' node_image_copyright='satguru (used by permission)' node_image_url='https://www.flickr.com/photos/satguru/840398821/in/pool-353566@N21' |
== Line 30 == | == Line 24 == |
postcode='NW7 1BS' |
postcode='NW7' |
Zone 4 Tube station on the Northern Line.
Basically a shuttle service between here and Finchley Central Station, although some trains continue to central London at peak times.
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