Randomness Guide to London - History of Tankard, SE17 1JL
Note: only administrators can delete historical versions.
- (cur) (last) 14:12:58, 05 September 2023 AutoKake (Re-saved page to make sure coords are correct.)
- (cur) (last) 19:50:11, 01 May 2015 Anonymous (confirming it's still a pub!)
- (cur) (last) 08:08:24, 10 May 2013 AutoKake (Updated pub food categories in line with discussion on RGL blog.)
- (cur) (last) 14:40:48, 26 June 2011 AutoKake (Updated FAP link.)
- (cur) (last) 20:52:26, 14 September 2008 secretlondon
- (cur) (last) 20:50:27, 14 September 2008 secretlondon (photo of food times (which they seem not to stick to))
- (cur) (last) 22:17:18, 07 September 2008 Ewan (Added ale category, switched to photo of whole building.)
- (cur) (last) 16:39:16, 07 September 2008 secretlondon (map info (no idea re: beer as I didn't try))
- (cur) (last) 16:30:33, 07 September 2008 Kake (Added Step-Free Access category, fixed tyop, formatting, and FAP branding. If the IPA was the cask-conditioned version rather than the smoothflow one then we should also add the Real Ale category.)
- (cur) (last) 16:25:06, 07 September 2008 secretlondon