Victoria Arms, CM15 9AX
- 01277 223371
- 50 Ongar Road, CM15 9AX (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
Pub in Brentwood.
It's very much a traditional locals' pub, with a low ceiling, patterned carpet, padded banquettes, and matching upholstered chairs. Pillars break up the space, creating cosy corners to hide away in. Large flatscreens are mounted on the walls. There's a part-covered beer garden out the back.
Kake visited on a Friday afternoon in September 2015. When I arrived around 2:30pm there were quite a few people in, and plenty of lively conversations going on. No music was playing, and the flatscreens were switched off.
All six handpumps were on, offering Brentwood Gold (£1.60/half), Greene King IPA, Skinners Betty Stogs, Maldon Farmer's Golden Boar (£1.80/half), Sharp's Doom Bar, and Sharp's Special.
The Brentwood Gold smelt and tasted slightly sour. I'd not had this ale before, so I asked the staff member on duty if it was meant to taste like that, but she said she didn't drink ales so just poured it away and I chose a different ale instead (though she did charge me the 20p difference). The replacement tasted fine and fresh.
A dry-wipe board at the side of the bar listed specials such as pork chops with new potatoes, veg, and gravy; and chilli tacos with sour cream and salad. This also stated that food is served noon-2pm Mon-Fri.
Accessibility: No step to get in. A large step to the ladies', and the cubicle is a bit of a squeeze. A step to the beer garden.
See also: