Devonshire, SW12 9AN
- 020 8673 1363
- 39 Balham High Road, SW12 9AN (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
- thedevonshirebalham.co.uk
It was refurbished in early 2008; before that it was a perfectly ordinary, perfectly decent local pub. Now, however, it has trendy furniture and loud music.
On DrHyde's March 2008 visit, service at the bar was very quick despite the place being busy, and the Young's Special was well kept but at £3.45 it was bloody expensive. Food looked OK but nothing special.
As of October 2016, food is served noon-10pm Mon-Sat and noon-9pm Sun.
DrHyde's verdict: It would probably count as a very good venue if what you're after is a bar. But I was after a pub, not a bar, so it was merely tolerable.
See also:
- Fancyapint review
- Pubs Galore comments
- Beer In The Evening comments
- Yelp comments
- Trusted Gourmet review
Last visited by DrHyde, March 2008. Opening hours taken from the Devonshire website, October 2016.
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Last edited 2023-09-05 11:59:00
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