Cubana, SE1 7RG
- 020 7928 8778
- 48 Lower Marsh, SE1 7RG (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
- cubana.co.uk
Cuban bar and restaurant on Lower Marsh near Waterloo Station.
According to their website as of May 2014, there are "plenty" of vegetarian and vegan options on the menu. On weekday lunchtimes they also sell takeaway "street food" from a stall outside photo, in a similar way to the market on Lower Marsh.
secretlondon visited for a "street food" takeaway on a Wednesday lunchtime in February 2014. I paid £5 for pork with rice, plantain and black beans. I could also have had chicken, or black beans by itself for less. They also sold sandwiches with homemade bread.
I really liked my food, which was good value. I have heard from others that the quantity varies depending on who serves you. I got a good amount.
See also:
Last visited by secretlondon, February 2014.
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Last edited 2023-09-05 11:56:03
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