Ancient Foresters, SE16 2HB
- 020 7394 1633
- 282 Southwark Park Road, SE16 2HB (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
Pub in Bermondsey.
The saloon bar side has five tables and has a raised stage area, probably used for music and karaoke. The place is notably full of Millwall fans on Saturdays.
The bar has no hand pumps for ale, but Courage Best and Tetley's are available on nitrokeg. Strongbow and normal lagers also feature on draught.
bob visited on a Tuesday evening in June 2009. There were a few customers. I had a pint of lemonade and lime (£2.10).
Accessibility: The two main entrances have a small step in. Toilets are level with the bar area, and most easily reachable from the saloon side; the interior passage between the two sides is quite narrow and clogged with bar stools.
See also:
Last visited by bob, June 2009.
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Last edited 2023-09-05 11:11:02
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