Historical version 3 of Vivat Bacchus, EC4A 4LL (view current version)

Modern European restaurant in Farringdon. They can cater for vegans with warning (possibly also without warning, not sure). They are super-fast at answering email.

They have an absolutely fantastic cheese selection, in a special cheese cupboard which the cheese sommelier will take you into if you ask nicely and let you choose things. Friendly staff, and also a very good wine selection. The vegan option was good (I can't remember if I ordered from the menu or warned-in-advance, though), and I am informed that the meat (they do slightly odd things like springbock & ostrich, as well as the usual steak / fish / etc options) was very good. I'd definitely go back. -- Juliet

Update on veganness: last time I went there (March 2007) the vegan provision was tasty but not terribly exciting (salad; risotto; option of sorbet or fruit salad). I did enjoy it but it wasn't exactly extravagant -- Juliet

OS X co-ord: 531530 OS Y co-ord: 181580 (Latitude: 51.517326 Longitude: -0.104124)
This is version 3 (as of 2007-03-20 15:13:05). View current version. List all versions.