Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 20 and Version 15 of Questors Grapevine Bar, W5 5BQ

Version 20 Version 15
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category='Bars,Good Beer Guide,Good Beer Guide 2007,Good Beer Guide 2008,Good Beer Guide 2009,Good Beer Guide 2010,Good Beer Guide 2011,Good Beer Guide 2012,Good Beer Guide 2013,Good Beer Guide 2014,Good Beer Guide 2015,Good Beer Guide 2016,Good Beer Guide 2017,Good Beer Guide 2018,Good Beer Guide 2019,Good Beer Guide 2020,Good Beer Guide 2021,Pubs,Real Ale,Theatres'
category='Bars,Good Beer Guide,Good Beer Guide 2007,Good Beer Guide 2008,Good Beer Guide 2009,Good Beer Guide 2010,Good Beer Guide 2011,Good Beer Guide 2012,Good Beer Guide 2013,Good Beer Guide 2014,Good Beer Guide 2015,Good Beer Guide 2016,Good Beer Guide 2017,Pubs,Real Ale,Theatres'
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Theatre bar attached to Questors Theatre in Ealing. It's in the Good Beer Guide, staffed by volunteers. It's mainly for theatre members, but guests and those attending plays at the theatre are welcome.

This is a comfortable carpeted space just up a few steps from the theatre box office. There's an alcove with tables to the left of entrance, as well as a long space behind a wall opposite the bar itself. It obviously gets crowded before performances. Drinks can be taken into the theatre if served in a plastic cup.

There are five handpulls on the bar, with the names of the ales also chalked up on a board behind the bar. On a January 2010 visit, the ales were London Pride (£2.50/pint), presumably the regular, alongside Marlow's Rebellion (£2), Rooster's Huntsman (£2) and Bateman's Miss Scotland (£2.30). Ales are all well-kept and staff are friendly.

Last visited by Ewan, Jo and friends, 26 January 2010. Opening hours taken from 2008 Good Beer Guide.

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