Picture of Nightingale, SW12 8NX

Historical version 7 of Nightingale, SW12 8NX (view current version)

Young's pub in Balham, quite traditional, in the Good Beer Guide.

Serves a very good pint of Young's Special at £2.80. (Probably the best ive had a for a while --Bob)

The food was very good. The Steak & Mushroom pie (£7.95) was very tasty and probably homemade. The vegetables were very tasty as well. The menu was relatively standard for a pub. Fish & Chips, Steak and burgers. They have an interesting brunch burger which has extra sausage, bacon and fried egg.

If you get the Sausages & Mash 10% is donated to charity.

Desserts are available for £4.95. The Spotted dick was tasty and very light.

Food served noon-10pm every day.

Last Visited by bob on 30 June 2007.

Opening times and food times taken from the 2007 Good Beer Guide.

OS X co-ord: 528193 OS Y co-ord: 174045 (Latitude: 51.450370 Longitude: -0.154933)
This is version 7 (as of 2007-09-26 23:46:39). View current version. List all versions.