Picture of Bloomsbury Tavern, WC2H 8EG

Historical version 5 of Bloomsbury Tavern, WC2H 8EG (view current version)

A small, basic boozer, serving well-kept Shepherd Neame beers, always including one seasonal brew, at the southern edge of Bloomsbury.

There's limited seating downstairs but there's another small room upstairs, enough for about 15 people, which can be booked for private parties. Also some seating outside on New Oxford Street.

Staff are friendly and efficient.

Food is served at lunchtimes only.

Accessibility: Main bar is up a very small step from the street, but the door way is probably too narrow for a wheelchair. Bogs involve steep stairs.

See also:

Last visited by DrHyde, May 2009.
OS X co-ord: 530136 OS Y co-ord: 181426 (Latitude: 51.516265 Longitude: -0.124263)
This is version 5 (as of 2011-06-26 14:09:44). View current version. List all versions.