Randomness Guide to London - Differences between Version 13 and Version 12 of Chess And Bridge, W1U 7RT

Version 13 Version 12
== Line 13 == == Line 13 ==

Games shop specialising in chess and bridge (as you'd expect from the shop's name), but also poker and various other pastimes. Previously situated on Euston Road photo, it now lives in the rather less grimy surroundings of Baker Street.

It sells equipment in every price range, from budget through to professional quality, as well as having a vast range of books on shelves along all the walls.

When Ewan visited in 2007 the staff were friendly and helpful and were able to make helpful suggestions for one such as myself, dabbling in the basic end of poker.

Rowley Birkin QC has visited a few times since 2017, and reports "I went there first to get some expensive competition-quality equipment which is still holding up well. I've also been in for general browsing (bought some double-9 dominoes which were acceptable). I went in for a chess clock as a present, hoping the staff would be able to recommend one, but they were as baffled as I was (though perhaps they were being driven to distraction by a burglar alarm which they were having great trouble shutting down)."

Last visited by Rowley Birkin QC about 2018. Opening hours taken from the Chess And Bridge website, March 2010.

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