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24-hour Turkish deli on [[Locale Walworth|Walworth]] Road, between Iceland and Peacocks. It also sells a large variety of non-Turkish food, including lots of jars of Eastern European vegetables. It has fresh Turkish bread and about 10 types of fresh olives and feta cheeses. It's also got fresh fruit and veg on the street and alcohol, including several varieties of raki. See also: * [http://kenningtonrunoff.com/oli-food-centre-and-turkish-corek-bread/ Kennington Runoff review] * [http://www.timeout.com/london/property/features/2258/Streets_of_London-Walworth_Road_SE1.html Time Out partial review] * [http://www.yelp.com/biz/oli-24-hour-food-centre-london Yelp comments] <div class="last_verified">Last visited by [[secretlondon]], January 2016.</div>
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SE17 Walworth
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Bakeries Eastern European Groceries Interesting Food Shops Needs New Photo Off Licences Turkish Groceries
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