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How to get started? It depends on what you want to do! <b>"I don't understand what your website's for. Show me what it does, please?"</b> See the [[Guided Tour]]. <b>"There's a mistake on one of your pages. How can I fix it?"</b> If it's just a typo, feel free to go ahead and correct it. If it's something factual, then unless you're a regular contributor the best thing to do is leave a comment explaining who you are, what we have wrong, and why you know it's wrong. <b>"My favourite pub/restaurant/cafe/whatever is missing from your site. How can I add it?"</b> New places are constantly being added by our regular contributors, but we only add places we've actually been to. If you'd like to suggest somewhere new, please see [[Contact RGL]] for how to get in touch, though we can't guarantee we'll get around to it soon since we all have long to-do lists already!
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