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Pub in [[Locale Greenwich|Greenwich]], near the border with [[Locale Deptford|Deptford]]. It may appear a little unwelcoming from the outside, but it's actually fine. The interior is quite dim, with natural light only towards the front. The middle portion towards the back is essentially unlit, though the pool table right at the back has plenty of light. There is a jukebox and a couple of games machines. [[Kake]], [[Ewan]], Jo, and other Tube Walkers visited on a Saturday afternoon in October 2008. Although we saw two handpumps on the bar, the clips were turned around. Kake settled for a pint of Strongbow (£2.90), while Ewan was thrice thwarted as the Becks (Jo's request), Boddingtons, and Toby Bitter were all off and instead had John Smith's. The lady behind the bar was very friendly. Although there was a minor disturbance during our visit caused by a slightly tipsy chap, no harm was done and the abovementioned lady actually came round to apologise to people after he'd gone. It's very clearly a locals' pub, but said locals were perfectly friendly towards us. See also: * [http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/comments.shtml/10468/ Beer In The Evening comments] <div class="last_verified">Last visited by [[Kake]], [[Ewan]], Jo, and other Tube Walkers, 4 October 2008.</div>
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Greenwich SE10
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Pool Table Pubs
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