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Second-hand bookshop in [[Locale Stoke Newington|Stoke Newington]]. It has a fairly large children's book section, including some at very low prices (50p each as of July 2019). It also carries plenty of modern and classic fiction as well as a good selection of film and media books. At the back is a bookcase of oversize books and art books. It came under threat of closure in mid-2012, but was [http://web.archive.org/web/20190722140049/http://www.eastlondonlines.co.uk/2012/08/last-minute-hope-for-church-street-bookshop/ granted a reprieve] when the planning application to turn it into part of a restaurant was withdrawn at the last minute. [[Ewan]]'s verdict: A perfectly excellent little second-hand bookshop. <div class="last_verified">Last visited by [[Kake]], July 2019.</div>
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