Tap Tavern, TW9 1ED
- 020 8940 2118
- Princes Street, TW9 1ED (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
- taptavern.co.uk
- Mon-Wed: noon-11:30pm; Thu-Sat: noon-1am; Sun: noon-10:45pm
Pub tucked away down an alleyway in Richmond.
The seating space is sort of question-mark-shaped, with entry into a wider part where the bar takes up part of one side, and a narrower area stretching further in away from the frontage. Seating in the front part is mainly on tall stools, while the back part has a normal-height pleather banquette running all the way around, flanked by wooden tables and freestanding chairs.
The floor is scuffed wooden blocks arranged in zigzags, and walls are a mix of wood panelling, glazed white tiles, and dark grey paint. Foliage is used throughout, though not excessively, from the large potted palms in the front section to the "hanging garden" dangling from the skylight that provides the only natural lighting source in the back section. There's also a few benches and chairs out the front.
Kake visited on a Monday afternoon in September 2019. There were four or five other customers when I arrived a little before 2pm, and this remained the case during my visit. Music was playing, fairly interesting, but a little louder than necessary.
The handpumps were clipped for Northern Monk Eternal and Wimbledon Copper Leaf. A pint of lime and soda was 80p.
Accessibility: A step to get in. There's an accessible toilet on the level with low sink, grab bars, and alarm cord.
See also:
- Photos of the menu as of September 2019: main menu, lunch menu
- Pubs Galore comments
- WhatPub entry