All Bar One, SE1 2YG
- 020 7940 9771
- Spice Quay Heights, 34 Shad Thames, SE1 2YG (streetmap) (osm) (gmap) (bingmap) (streetview)
- allbarone.co.uk/nation...
- 11am-11pm Mon-Thu; 10am-11pm Fri-Sat; 10am-10:30pm Sun
Branch of the All Bar One chain by Butler's Wharf near Tower Bridge. It is on the east side of the bridge, facing the river and near the [Design Museum]?.
secretlondon visited on Wednesday evening in April 2009. It is open and fairly bland with tables outside facing the river. As well as lots of wine they sell a range of more interesting lager and some beer such as London Pride. A round of a pint of London Pride and Erdinger Weissbier cost £7+ in April 2009.
There was some background music playing.
Food is served 11am-10pm Monday-Wednesday, 10am-10pm Thursday-Saturday, and 10am-9:30pm Sunday.
See also:
Last visited by secretlondon, April 2009. Opening hours and food times taken from website.
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Last edited 2023-09-05 11:09:26
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